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No.4 2016
· A Video Show of NIGPAS was released [2017-01-25]
· SKLPS (NIGPAS) was Introduced in “Spotlight on Nanjing” Brochure in Nature [2017-01-24]
· Rong and Huang’s Paperwas selected as one of the 2016 Excellent Papers in Sc... [2017-01-25]
· Meroblastic cleavage identifies some Ediacaran Doushantuo embryo-like fossils... [2017-01-25]
· Beta-keratin Discovery in Bird Feather Fossil May Help Identify Paleo Color (... [2017-01-25]
· Global microbial carbonate proliferation after the end Devonian mass extincti... [2017-01-25]
· International activities with NIGPAS people [2017-01-25]
· Foreign visitors to NIGPAS [2017-01-25]
· Seminars given by international scholars, July - December 2016 [2017-01-25]
· Conferences and public outreach activities [2017-01-25]
· Research Updates [2017-01-25]
· New Books [2017-01-25]
· The Research Group on the Mesozoic Terrestrial Biotas [2017-01-25]
· M.Sc., Ph.D., and Postdoctoral Programs [2017-01-25]
· Faculty Positions (3-5 yearly) Open: Applications invited [2017-01-25]
· Recruitment for Senior Faculty Positions [2017-01-25]
· Contact us [2017-01-26]
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.39 East Beijing Road ,Nanjing 210008, CHINA Phone: 0086-25-83282105 Fax: 0086-25-83357026 Email: ngb@nigpas.ac.cn