Prof. Makoto MANABE, President of Palaeontological Society of Japan (PSJ), Collection Director of National Museum of Nature & Science, Tokyo and Prof. Tatsuo OJI, Director of University Museum, Nagoya University visited NIGPAS on March 20, 2018.
During the visit, Prof. Manabe and Prof. YANG Qun, Director of NIGPAS and President of the Palaeontological Society of China (PSC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PSJ and PSC. According to the MoU, they reached extensive agreements on promoting the regional development of palaeobiology, such as organizing joint conferences, establishing a regional academic association such as Asian Palaeontological Association (APA), encouraging the communications of palaeobiological researchers and graduate students in two countries, and strengthening the collaboration in fossil education and exhibitions. When discussing the terms of MoU, the PSC and PSJ representatives focused on the very details of future plans in 2018-2019.