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Supporting System
Library and Information Centre
Technical Services Centre
Nanjing Museum of Palaeontology
The Chengjiang Field Station of Palaeontology
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Supporting systems
       Updatetime: 2009-08-31 Printer      Text Size:A A A 

 i) Library and Information Centre (including a library, editorial offices and a type specimen fossil repository);

ii) Technical Services Centre (including an electron microscope lab, a geochemistry lab, a photographic lab, a thin section lab, and microfossil preparation lab).


Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.39 East Beijing Road ,Nanjing 210008, CHINA Phone: 0086-25-83282105 Fax: 0086-25-83357026 Email: ngb@nigpas.ac.cn