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Nanjing Museum of Palaeontology
The Chengjiang Field Station of Palaeontology
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The Chengjiang Field Station of Palaeontology
The Chengjiang Field Station of Palaeontology
The Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna from Chengjiang, Yunnan, is a very unusual fossil lagerstaette. It contains extraordinarily well-preserved fossils in great abundance, vividly reflecting the true composition and appearance of marine communities 520 million years ago. The discovery of the Cheng...
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.39 East Beijing Road ,Nanjing 210008, CHINA Phone: 0086-25-83282105 Fax: 0086-25-83357026 Email: ngb@nigpas.ac.cn