LESP of the Institute Passed the Assessment of CAS Key Laboratory

Updatetime: 2012-10-14


The Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Paleogeography (LESP) of Nanjing insititute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), passed the assessment organized by the Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, CAS, on 13th, October, 2012.

Prof. WANG Xiangdong, the director of LESP, made a report about the laboratory work on the assessment meeting. This laboratory’s mainly study are fossil resource and other problems in stratigraphy and paleogeography on the view of state strategy, and searching for new science and technology to provide an opportunity to cooperate with energy resources & minerals industy.

After hearing the report and on site inspection, the assessment experts fully agreed with the construction of the key laboratory and proposed many good advices for its future development.
