The kick-off meeting for the NSFC major project “Marine major biological events during the Palaeozoic” held in Nanjing

Updatetime: 2013-01-05

During 28th to 30th, December, 2012, the kick-off meeting for the major project “Marine major biological events during the Palaeozoic” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) was held in Nanjing.

Several officers from NSFC and Chinese Academy of Science, the Academic Committee experts include Academician ZHANG Guowei, Academician RONG Jiayu, Academician CHEN Xu and Academician ZHOU Zhonghe as well as the project participants totally 89 members attended this meeting.

During the meeting, Dr. CHAI Yucheng, the Executive Deputy Director General of NSFC Department of Earth Sciences made a short speech to encourage the project participants to achieve more breakthrough on the study of Paleozoic marine biological events with this first NSFC major projects (project funding 20 million Yuan) in Paleontology. The participants also conducted an effective discussion on the project programs proposed by its chief scientist, Professor SHEN Shuzhong.

After the meeting, this NSFC major project was officially launched.

