Palaeoworld now included in Web of Science Core Collection (SCI-E)

Updatetime: 2014-03-24

Palaeoworld, a formal peer-reviewed publication of the State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy (NIGPAS) and published by the well-known academic publisher Elsevier since 2006, is now included in the Web of Science Core Collection database (SCI-E). Palaeoworld is also abstracted/indexed in well-known international academic archives of SCOPUS, Current Contents – Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Zoological Recod, BIOSIS Previews, Geobase, Biobase.



The Editorial Board appreciates continued support and contribution from all authors, reviewers, editors and an Elsevier publishing team during the last eight years, as the journal developed from a non-periodical to a formal international journal. Palaeoworld is now referenced and used by geoscientists, bioscientists and other researchers worldwide.

We welcome your future contribution to Palaeoworld.

Journal Web Page:

Science Direct:  

