The President of Univerisity of Birmingham visited NIGPAS

Updatetime: 2024-05-31

On May 29, Adam Tickell, President of Univerisity of Birmingham, United Kingdom, Jon Frampton, Vice President of Univerisity of Birmingham, ZHENG Yingyi, Director of the University of Birmingham China Office, and FEI Feifei, Project Manager of China Office, visited Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS) and had a bilateral discussion and exchange.

Prof. WANG Jun, director of NIGPAS, and Prof. Jason Hilton, Univerisity of Birmingham also recorded a speech video.

Prof. ZHAO Fangchen, deputy director of NIGPAS, firstly expressed a warm welcome to the visit of the Univerisity of Birmingham and briefly introduced the participants. Then, ZHAO introduced the main research directions, the representative scientific progress achieved in recent years and international cooperation in detail.

Adam Tickell said that Mr. LI Siguang also has a deep relationship with University of Birmingham. In 2023, University of Birmingham also set up a memorial plaque for LI Siguang, hoping to further cooperate and exchange with NIGPAS in the future.

During the seminar, the two sides discussed in depth about joint training of students, promotion of cooperative research, mutual exhibition of museum, and database sharing, etc. They both agreed to further strengthen communication on the basis of the good cooperation in the previous period and promote the effective strategic cooperation between the two sides.
