Stage-progressive distribution pattern of the Lungmachi black graptolitic shales draws attention

Updatetime: 2018-02-13


  The magazine Science China Earth Sciences reported the progress of black graptolitic shales and shale gas distribution pattern as a cover story in June 2017. Academician CHEN Xu from the CAS Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography (LESP) of NIGPAS led the research. The paper draws extensive attention in the field of petroleum and natural gas.   

  The Lungmachi Formation is widely distributed in Guizhou, Chongqing and their adjacent areas. It is important for the study of Silurian biostratigraphy and shale-gas investigation. Based on those biostratigraphically well-studied sections from Guiyang of Guizhou to Huayingshan of Chongqing, the authors reveal the stage-progressive distribution pattern of the Lungmachi black shales. 

  Reference: Xu Chen, JunXuan Fan, WenHui Wang, HongYan Wang, HaiKuan Nie, XueWen Shi, ZhiDong Wen, DongYang Chen, WenJie Li, 2017, Stage-progressive distribution pattern of the Lungmachi black graptolitic shales from Guizhou to Chongqing, Central China. Science China Earth Sciences, 60 (6), 1133–1146. 
