Rong and Huang’s Paperwas selected as one of the 2016 Excellent Papers in Science & Technology Journals of China

Updatetime: 2017-01-25

The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) announced in December 2016 the results of 2016 Excellent Papers in Science & Technology Journals of China. The paper “Thirty Years of Research on Mass Extinction” published in SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences by Profs. RONG Jiayu and HUANG Bin from NIGPAS was selected as one of those excellent papers.  

This is the first time for CAST to set such Awards. Papers published between 2012-2014 in Science and Technology Journals of China covering all subjects were nominated, evaluated and finally selected by a special committee. Those selected should have a strong influence on the foundation of science, lead to the cutting-edge engineering and development, or reflect a thoughful overview of a particular subject. Totally 90 papers of all subjects has been selected as the 2016 excellent papers. 

