International activities with NIGPAS people

Updatetime: 2017-08-25
  • WANG Chengyuan of NIGPAS was awarded the Pander Medal 

  The 4th International Conodont Symposium (4th ICOS) in conjunction with the International Subcomissions on Stratigraphy of Devonian (SDS) and Silurian (ISSS) was held in Valencia (Spain) from 25-30 June 2017. During the meeting, Prof. WANG Chengyuan of NIGPAS was awarded the Pander Medal by the Pander Society, in recognition for his extremely active and high-quality contributions to conodonts and their applications to geologic history and stratigraphy.  

Chinese participants at the 4th ICOS.


  • WANG Weiming of NIGPAS was elected as Vice-President of the International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS) 

  During the 14th International Palynological Congress held in Salvador, Brazil last year, the International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS) established a new session of the governing council. According to the IFPS' constitution, a full brewing was made before voting for the vice-presidents. Recently, Prof. WANG Weiming of NIGPAS was elected as the vice-president of the IFPS' fifteenth Council. 


