Academic Activities with NIGPAS People

Updatetime: 2021-02-09 Editor : trace fossils;the end-Permian mass extinction

During October 11-13, 2019, the Palynological Branch of the Palaeontological Society of China (PSC) convened the Second Academic Meeting and Council Meeting of the Branch 10th Council in Mianyang, Sichuan, China, to fully demonstrate and summarize the research progresses in various fields of palynology in recent years, and to promote academic exchanges and subject development.

During September 20-23, 2019, the Second Academic Meeting of the Paleoinvertebrate Branch of PSC was held at the Northwest University in Xi’an.

After fully investigating the use of the GBDB database, systematically revised the website and back-end data, NIGPAS started the construction of the new version of GBDB since 2019. The new website has finally been launched (URL:, and the public beta has begun.

Two inventions completed by the Experimental Paleobiology Laboratory of NIGPAS were formally authorized. One was " High pressure simulator of environment exchangeable for rock-water reaction in wide range pressure controlling and its working process" and another was "High pressure vessel of media exchangeable with environment in wide pressure controlling and its working process".
