The three-month cooperation between the GBDB Team of NIGPAS and the British Geological Survey (BGS) on the digitalization of the stratigraphical and palaeontological data was over with a great success. Until the end of this January, GBDB Team had logged more than 13000 references, scanned 3900 stratigraphical and palaeontological reports, and standardized the data from 1100 sections and drills. They developed a series of standardization codes and auxiliary tools to adapt the platform to the British reality. All the digital data could be searched and achieved online on the GBDB web. Those who want to visit the database please visit http://www.geobiodiversity.com/BGSPortal.aspx to search, inquire or visualize the British data.
Owing to the efficiency and the achievement of the GBDB team of NIGPAS, BGS has decided to extend the collaboration to a long-period program (5-10 years), expanding cooperation areas to the joint talent training and bilateral academic workshops, data analysis, AI application and drill-core-data construction.