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pp. 249-259 (abstract)
       Updatetime: 2011-03-02 Printer      Text Size:A A A 

Gastropod Diversity Patterns in South China during the Chihsia–Ladinian and their mass extinction

Pan Hua-zhang and Douglas H. Erwin

pp. 249-259, in English


Marine gastropods experienced dramatic changes in composition during various interval from Chihsian of the Permian to the Ladinian of the Triassic. Permian gastropods were highly diverse and dominated by bellerophonts, pleurotomarrids, loxonematids, subulitids and murchisonids. At the end of Permian, about 90% of total genera and 62% of total families disappeared. Early Triassic gastropods were quite rare, low in diversity and characterized by a few of genera of bellerophonts and loxonematids. Anisian gastropods were dominated by the Trochian, Neritopsina and Loxonematoidea, and the Paleozoic forms launched a re-expansion of gastropod diversity in this stage.

Keywords: Gastropod, mass extinction, diversity, re-expansion, radiation and Lazarus taxa

Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences
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